
What is a box made of?

What is a box made of?

We Europeans, are called upon to meet a series of KPIs on sustainability by 2030. The time for postponing these issues has ended. We already live far beyond nature’s limits.


ODS are now demonstrating that the economy cannot thrive if environmental concerns do not become a priority.


Overcoming this ecological crisis involves a concerted effort across the entire chain: from the raw material producer to the end consumer, who is increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability but still loves the thrill of shopping.


Sustainability applied to packaging is nothing more than a great exercise in common sense and coherence.


But there’s nothing more complicated that change a habit which has been learned and applied during years and years.
That’s why collaboration between customer and supplier is more necessary now than ever.


That coherence that we talked about in the beginning, has to be based in two fundamental pillars: traceability of raw materials and production processes and a real and demonstrable eco-design.

We are in at that stage of looking for sustainable solutions to a designs already planned.
The step forward will be to put over the table the sustainable issues at the same time that the aesthetically, logistical or experience ones.



sustainability is awareness, it is change, it is economy, it is productivity and responsible consumption, it is politics and communication.



A deep knowledge of what we have between in our hands is one of the best tools that we can developed to become sustainable oriented.

That’s why we want to share with you in this post a box radiography.
As you know, this blog is dedicated to secondary luxury packaging and lined boxes, a type of packaging that is not well known.


This scheme has been done taking into account a regular box, we mean, a base of cardboard, lining with a one ink offset printed paper, laminated and with a hot stamping  technique decoration.

The percentages represent the weight or the importance that each component has over the hole box. Percentages that must be measured to obtain the ecological footprint and end of life circle.

They may change depending in factors as the size, numbers of pieces, decoration surface and techniques, etc.

But we find interesting to make a general estimated to show in a clear way the importance and incidence that each component has in an analysis of life circle of a box.

According to this averages, blue container will be the  final destination of our box to be recycled and turned back into cardboard

For Make Box, sustainability is awareness, it is change, it is economy, it is productivity and responsible consumption, it is politics and communication.

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