The combined power of branding and packaging is huge.
Packaging is a symbol and an icon of a brand; it conveys its message and reflects its status and personality.
Therefore, good packaging must always be well-defined, evoking clear, sharp, and memorable images.
And Casa Dragones is an extraordinary example of what we understand by brand-packaging.
Their cases, supports all the values of the brand: an iconic colour and logo that reflects its heritage and history, a luxury shape and finishing as well as an incredible inner design to house the bottle inside that shows its status at a glance.
The result is a very powerful image and a packaging that is destined to become an icon.
Made with FSC materials and, designed with creativity and cleverness to make it work, the blue box represents a perfect balance between the main goal of branding (positioning and growth strategy enhancement) and the packaging meaning in that strategy (physical form of the brand values, vehicle of communication).
In another sense, digital world has changed the way we approach our clients and satisfy their demands.
Somebody has renamed the e-comerce era as the “new shopping revolution” where looking for the shopping experience, even if it is virtual, is still the most important thing.
In this sense, packaging remains the best ally for brands. Far from getting old or obsolete, it has been known to reinvent itself, and adapting to the new times.
Social media likes packaging,
because it becomes the strongest ally for communicate a great message in just one snapshot.
Instagram is the social network chosen by the majority of luxury brands to work on the engagement with their followers.
It is necessary to create consistent packs, creatives, different from the competitors, with a great highlight in the sales points, an excellent perceived quality and strong enough to reinforce the marketing goals of the brand, both in the physical and virtual environment.

Some photos from Casa Dragones’ Instagram feed.